So today Cayden and I had our first show of the season. Well she was pretty good for my first five classes. We got 3rd in trot a pole hunter out of three. 1st in trot a pole pleasure out of three. 3rd in walk/trot hunter on the flat out of three or four. 3rd in walk/trot pleasure on the flat out of three or four. 2nd in the w/t/c EQ out of 4-5 people. Then came my three jumping classes. Our warm up was good, but then I got eliminated in all three of my jumping classes because my mare wasn't listening at all and was refusing jumps we had already jumped perfectly fine. We got fifth in our w/t/c pleasure on the flat out of five riders were Cayden was a speed demon and kept picking the wrong lead. ALSO! I sprained my right ankle AGAIN in my second jumping class, so I couldn't use my right ankle at all and now its like all swollen.:/ I'm hoping to do the show in June if I can raise enough money, and another in August. Hopefully they'll go better. When we came back I lunged her over some jumps and it took her awhile to stop refusing them. So like idk. She's defiantly not in season, her tack fits her fine and she had her teeth floated in December. Honestly, I really do want to sell her. NOT because of this show. I already made up my mind last month. One of my friend's got her horse last April who is still a bit green as well and is already showing 2'6. I just want a horse that I can improve and move up on. Not being held back. I told my mom I need to talk her and my dad about I want to do with Cayden. And to keep an open mind and really see were I'm coming from. So hopefully they'll understand. ![]()
^I honestly don't know what we're doing? xD
^^One of the flat classes, I think it was the first pleasure one, not sure.
^^I thought this one was funny, so I decided to post it. Idk why I'm doing that.xD
Yes, I do realize my number is croaked.![:P]()
^^Waiting to hear our placings ![]()
Lmao nice Cayden >.>
Another refusal. I think this is were I sprained my ankle ![]()
The one decent jump we got, lol. Please ignore my EQ.