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Socks' first HDT

Well, we're back from Clay Station happy and tired.  Socks was wonderful all weekend and strutted his stuff very successfully on Saturday.  Chance was rather worrisome at the beginning of the weekend (Friday morning).   He wouldn't eat any treats and was rather morose.  When we arrived at Clay Station (Wilton, Ca.) however, his demeanor did a complete turn-about!  He got out of the trailer, looked around, and whinnied very loud.  His ears, head, and tail were up and he was delighted to be back at the place!  LOL, poor fellow has had enough arena work to last him a lifetime!

Anyway, here's a few shots of the boys at work.  Most of the shots of Socks are on Saturday and most of those of Chance are on Sunday:

Poor Annie, I think she was pretty uncomfortable this past weekend.  She didn't want to get up this morning and stayed wrapped up in her blankie till after noon!

She was so funny!  Often when the carriages went by, Annie would be lying in the back of the open horse trailer watching them and would sing a woooo woooh, as they went by.  Don't know how to describe the sound,  kind of like a cross between a growl and a howl, but much more cheery and pleasant than either.  Anyway, everyone seemed to get a kick out of it.

Socks was wonderful all weekend and tried very hard to do everything I asked him.  We have some considerable problems with counter-bending in the corners during Dressage and listening.  All the same, we made it through without any serious gaffs and he behaved himself admirably.  In Cones, Socks saw them and one could almost hear him exclaim, "TOYS!  Oh boy, let's play with 'em!"  He kept trying to stamp, kick, or grab (in his teeth of course) the cones and was over-the-top enthusiastic about the whole thing.  Doing the Marathon on the same day as Cones and Dressage turned out to be a bit much for him.  Socks kind of petered out about half way through.  So, we did a lot of walking and let three competitors pass us.  We ended up nine minutes overtime at the end of it.  Not horrible, but the penalties were steep.  All the same, we didn't show up for a five-dollar-ribbon.  We were there for the experience and both of the horses did very well.

Chance gave us a bit of trouble, well quite a bit actually, about getting in the trailer.  I think he thought we were going into Palo Cedro for another round of arena work and if Chance never sees the inside of another arena it won't be long enough for him.  After making it crystal clear I wouldn't take any more of the pony games (yes, I had to be a bit rough with him), he harrumphed himself into the trailer.  Chance pouted the entire four-hour drive to Clay Station.  However, when he got out of the trailer and looked around, first his head came up, then his ears perked, then his tail came up and Chance looked like he was on Cloud Nine!  He bounced around on the end of the lead just brimming over with enthusiastic joy!  Chance LOVES Clay Station and the HDTs there.  Friday and Saturday Chance was Rocket-Pony and it was all Jmebear could do to hold him.  Sunday though he had calmed down enough to put in a decent Dressage test, cones, and (his favourite) an excellent Marathon.  We did about five minutes of walking with Chance during the end section of the Marathon as he needed a breather.  This did make us a trifle late coming in, but the penalties were negligible.  I got Socks out a bit later and then we headed home.  Arrived in Oak Run after Midnight, tired to be sure, but triumphant and delighted with a wonderful weekend!

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